Jun 2, 2023
Jeremy’s been studying the details for many years.
Details like:
Building and energy codes are becoming more and more stringent.
Green building programs are driving more and more high-end construction.
Products and construction techniques are rapidly evolving.
He’s also paid attention to what is sorely needed and missing.
That's why he’s helped to define the full HVAC use-case: requirements, performance, technology, architectural integrity, installation, and maintenance.
Listen in as Jeremy give clues and hints on how we can all do better in HVAC design.
Jeremy’s business: https://www.hvacdesignpartners.com/
Jeremy’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdbegley/
Links to the “order of Operations for Heat Pumps” blog posts
A couple of Jeremy’s favorite resources:
The National Comfort Institute www.NCIhvac.com
The Energy Vanguard blog: Allison Bailes: www.energyvanguard.com
Bryan Orr’s HVAC School: www.HVACRSchool.com
The Comfort Institute: www.comfortinstitute.org/
ACCA: https://www.acca.org/certification
This episode was recorded in May 2023.